تجارة المشروبات الکحولية في المستعمرات الأفريقية في ضوء مؤتمر بروکسل 1889-1912م د/ إيمان رجب زکي تمام د/ إيمان رجب زکي تمام

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


يسعى هذا البحث لمناقشة قضية مهمة في المستعمرات الأفريقية وهي قضية تجارة المشروبات الکحولية، وذلک بالبحث في التأثيرات التي نتجت عن هذه التجارة، ومدى تحمل قوى الاستعمار الأوروبي المسئولية عنها. وتترکز أهمية الموضوع وأسباب اختياره في الکشف عن  مزاعم الاستعمار، بأنه بصدد أداء رسالة مقدسة  تتمثل في النهوض إلى أقصى حد بالرفاهية المادية والمعنوية لسکان أفريقيا ، وکانت المطالبة بحظر بيع المشروبات الکحولية للأفارقة واحدة من الدلائل التي استندت إليها الدعاية الاستعمارية للتأکيد على حسن نية الاستعمار وجهوده الإصلاحية في أفريقيا ، ويعتمد هذا البحث منهج البحث التاريخي القائم على التحليل والنقد للمادة الوثائقية وخاصة الوثائق البريطانية. وسوف يکشف هذا البحث عن عدد من النتائج المهمة؛ منها أن الدعاية الاستعمارية لعبت دورًا کبيرًا؛ لقلب الحقائق المتعلقة بمسألة تجارة المشروبات الکحولية ، وحرصت بريطانيا على إقرار زيادة رسوم استيراد المشروبات الکحولية في مستعمرات غرب أفريقيا دون طلب حظر هذه التجارة تمامًا، نتيجة استفادتها من رسوم الاستيراد العالية بالإضافة إلى الحد من مکاسب القوى الاستعمارية الأخرى من مکاسب هذه التجارة. واتضح أن جلسات بروکسل التي عقدت خلال الفترة الممتدة من عامي 1889م و 1912م لم تسع لوضع حلٍ ناجع للمسألة ؛ لأن کل طرف أدار النقاش، واقترح القرارات التي تخدم مصالحه، وليس القضاء على هذه التجارة، أو الحد منها.
This research seeks to discuss an important issue in the African colonies which is the issue of the Liquor Traffic, by examining the effects that resulted from this trade, and the extent to which the European colonial powers bear the responsibility for it. The importance of the topic and the reasons for choosing it are focused on exploration the allegations of colonialism, as it is in the process of performing a sacred message that is to maximize the material and moral well-being of the people of Africa. The demand to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages to Africans was one of the indications that colonial propaganda relied on to confirm the goodwill of colonialism and its reform efforts in Africa. This research adopts the historical research methodology based on the analysis and criticism of documentary material, especially British documents. This research will reveal a number of important results; Of them, colonial propaganda played a big role; To change the facts on the issue of the liquor traffic. Britain was keen to approve the increase in import duties for liquor traffic in the West African colonies without asking for a ban on this trade completely, as a result of its benefit from the high import duties in addition to limiting the gains of other colonial powers from the gains of this trade. and it turned out that the Brussels sessions that were held during the period between 1889 and 1912 did not seek to find a viable solution to the issue, because each party conducted the debate and proposed decisions that serve its interests, not to eliminate or limit this trade.

الكلمات الرئيسية

قائمة المصادر والمراجع
أولاً - الوثائق غير المنشورة:
-       F.O 403/122: Inclosure 3 in No.111: From the Merchants, Traders, and Residents of Lagos to Governor Moloney, Lagos, March 12, 1889.
-       F.O 403/122: Inclosure 1 in No. 290, From Herr Von Puttkamer to Prince Bismarck, Funchal, May 15, 1889.
-       F.O 403/122: Inclosure 1 in No. 323: Royal Niger Company Chartered and Limited, by George Tubman-Goldie ( Deputy Governor ), London, December 16, 1889.
-       F.O 403/304: Inclosure 10 in No.18: Report by Messrs. Williams and Atkins and Dr. Easmon, Accra, December 18, 1891.
-       F.O 403/169: Ratification of the Brussels Act 1891-1892, Inclosure No. 105,Message from Royal Niger Company to Foreign Office, by: Henry Morley, Surrey Housem, Victoria Embankment, London, January 26, 1892.
-       F.O 403/169: Annex Memorandum by Sir C. Hill, January 26, 1892.
-       F.O 403/169: Inclosure No. 165, Message from Mr. Portal to the Marquiz Salisbury, Zanzibar, April 7, 1892.
-       F.O 403/376: British Plenipotentiaries to Liquor Conference, to Sir Edward Gray, Inclosure 2 in No. 88: Declaration by the British Plenipotentiaries, Brussels, October 17, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: British Plenipotentiaries to Liquor Conference to Sir Edward Grey, (No.1. Liquor Conference)  Message from Sir Arthur H. Hardinge, A. W. Clarke, H. J. Read, to Sir Edward Grey ( Foreign Office ), Brussels, October 17, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: British Plenipotentiaries to Liquor Conference to Sir Edward Grey, Inclosure in No. 96, Declaration by the British Plenipotentiaries, Brussels, October 22, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: British Plenipotentiaries to Liquor Conference to Sir Edward Grey, Inclosure 2 in No. 102, Declaration by the Portuguese Plenipotentiaries, Sitting of The Conference Held October 24, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: British Plenipotentiaries to Liquor Conference to Sir Edward Grey, Inclosure in No. 100, Declaration by the British Plenipotentiaries, Brussels, October 24, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: Message from the Marquis Di San Giuliano (Italian Embassy), to Sir Edward Grey, Inclosure No. 106, Italian Embassy, October 26, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: Message from Sir Edward Grey, to Sir A. Hardinge, Inclosure in, No. 108, Foreign Office, October 30, 1906.
-       F.O 403-376: African Liquor Traffic Convention, Signed at Brussels, Inclosure 2 in No. 117, Brussels, November 3, 1906.
-       F.O 403-428: Message from Sir  Edward Goschen ( the British Ambassador in Berlin ), to Sir Edward Grey (Foreign Office ), Berlin, April 13, 1910.
-       F.O 403-428: Message from G. V. Fiddes ( Colonial Office) ), to Foreign Office, Downing Street, May 11, 1910.
-       F.O 403-428: Message from Sir Francis Bertie, to M. Pichon, Paris, May 30, 1910.
-       F.O 403- 437:Avant-Projet De Convention Présenté Par La Délégation Britannique Dans La Séance Du 6 Janvier, 1912.
-       F.O 403- 437: Further Correspondence Respecting the Liquor Traffic, British Delegates to African Liquor Conference ( F. H Villiers, Charles Strachey, J. A. C Tilley ), to Sir Edward Grey ( Foreign Office), Brussels, January 9, 1912.
-       F.O 403- 437: Statements by French, German, and Netherlands Ministers, Enclosure in No.1, from British Delegates to African Liquor Conference ( F. H Villiers, Charles Strachey, J. A. C Tilley ), to Sir Edward Grey              ( Foreign Office), Brussels, January 9, 1912.
-       F.O 403- 437: Summary of Proceedings of Sub-Commission, by British Delegates to African Liquor Conference ( F. H Villiers, Charles Strachey, J. A. C Tilley), to Sir Edward Grey ( Foreign Office) Enclosure in No.7 , Brussels, January 17, 1912.
-       F.O 403- 437: TélégraphieNo. 8, by Sir .F. Villiers, to Sir Edward Grey ( Foreign Office), Brussels, January 18, 1912.
-       F.O 403- 437: TélégraphieNo. 9, by Sir Edward Grey               ( Foreign Office), to Sir .F. Villiers, Brussels, January 18, 1912.
-       F.O 403- 437:  African Liquor Conference by F. H Villiers, to Sir Edward Grey ( Foreign Office) , Brussels, February 17, 1912.
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