المواجهة الفرنسية الليبية في تشاد (1981 – 1984م) إعداد د/ أسامة عبد التواب محمد عبد العظيم مدرس التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر بکلية الدراسات الأفريقية العليا – جامعة القاهرة البريد الإلکتروني : osamaAbdeltwab@cu.edu.eg

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


الملخص :
تتناول هذه الدراسة المواجهة الفرنسية الليبية في الفترة من عام 1981 وحتى عام 1984؛ حيث تعد الحرب الأهلية التشادية من عام 1965 وحتى عام 1990 نموذجًا للصراعات الأفريقية التي أدت لتدخل القوى الکبرى في القارة، والتي أدت أيضًا إلى تقسيم منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية، وکان هذا الصراع قد انبثقت عنه عدة صراعات أخرى بين العديد من الدول الأفريقية. کل ذلک جعل فرنسا تتدخل بثقلها لمحاولة إيجاد حل لهذا الصراع الإقليمي والدولي، وفي هذا الوقت کانت إدارة ميتران (1981 – 1995) قد جاءت للحکم في عام 1981 لتجد هذا الصراع قد وصل إلى أشده؛ حيث بدأ التدخل الليبي في تشاد وبدأ القلق والاضطراب يصل إلى العديد من الأنظمة في دول شمال ووسط وغرب أفريقيا، التي بدأت تطالب باريس بسرعة التدخل العسکري لوقف تقدم القوات الليبية، وأيضًا واصلت القوى الغربية ضغطها الشديد على إدارة ميتران لمواجهة نظام القذافي، کل ذلک أجبر ميتران على اتخاذ قراره بالتدخل العسکري في تشاد في أغسطس 1983. وفي سبتمبر عام 1984 قامت فرنسا بتوقيع معاهدة مع الجانب الليبي تقضي بانسحاب القوات الفرنسية والليبية من تشاد، ومع ذلک کان هناک العديد من الأطراف التشادية والدولية التي أصرت على إشعال الموقف في تشاد مرة أخرى.
This study deals with the Franco-Libyan confrontation from 1981 to 1984; The Chadian civil war from 1965 to 1990 is a model for the African conflicts that led to the intervention of major powers on the continent, Which also led to the division of the Organization of African Unity, and this conflict had emanated from it several other conflicts between many African countries. All this made France intervene with its weight to try to find a solution to this regional and international conflict, and at this time the Mitterrand administration (1981 - 1995) came to power in 1981 to find this conflict had reached its intensity, As the Libyan intervention began in Chad, anxiety and turmoil began to reach many regimes in North, Central and West Africa, which began to demand that Paris quickly intervene to stop the advance of the Libyan forces, Also, Western powers continued their intense pressure on the Mitterrand administration to confront the Gaddafi regime, all of which forced Mitterrand to make his decision to intervene militarily in Chad in August 1983. In September 1984, France signed a treaty with the Libyan side, providing for the withdrawal of French and Libyan forces from Chad. However, there were many Chadian and international parties that insisted on igniting the situation in Chad once again.

الكلمات الرئيسية

هوامش الدراسة
([1])  CIA- RDP85T00875R001100090003-4 – Central Intelligence Agency,
      Intelligence Memorandum, Subject; French Arms Sales to Libya and  
      their Impact on the Middle east, on 14Jan, 1970.                                          
([1]) Ibid.                                                                                                                                       
([1]) CIA-LOC-HAK-185-2-54-5 – Report from Central Intelligence  
     Agency, Subject; France sending Tanks to Libya, Saudi Arabia, on
    11Oct, 1973.                                                     
([1]) CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370034-8 – Telegram to Central
     Intelligence Agency, Subject; Libya's Al Qahdhafi sends cable to
     French President, on 3Fep, 1976.                                    
([1]) CIA-RDP05-01559R000400370035-7 – Report to Central Intelligence
      Agency, Subject; Libya, Al Qahdhafi on ties with France, Paris Le
      Monde in French, 11Feb,1976, on 12 Feb, 1976.                                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26 – memorandum produced by information
     Department in Foreign and Commonwealth office in London, Subject;
     Chad: Prospects for reconciliation and reconstruction, on 18Jul, 1984.                                                                                           
([1]) Joffe, E.G.H: Libya and Chad, Review of African political economy,
      published by: Taylor and Francis, Ltd, No. 21, May – Sep, 1981, PP. 91
     – 93.                                                          
([1])  FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26, Loc. Cit.                                                                                        
([1])  Joffe, E.G.H: Op. Cit, P. 90                                                                                                    
([1]) FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26, Loc. Cit.                                                                                           
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: French Grand Strategy in African in
       the Fifth Republic, PHD in International Relations, Faculty of the
      Graduate School, University of Southern California, May 2009, P. 234.                                                                                                             
([1]) CIA-RDP87R00029R000200280018-9 – Cutting of Newspaper "
Washington Star" , Subject; Niger says it sold Uranium to Libya, use
for Nuclear Weaponry Feared, on 14Apr, 1981.                                                                                                                               
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, PP. 235 – 237.                                                         
([1]) Joffe, E.G.H: Op. Cit, PP. 94, 95.                                                                                        
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, PP. 246, 247.                                                          
([1])  Joffe, E.G.H: Op. Cit, P. 95.                                                                                               
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 30 – Telegram from west African Department to
Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad:
French/ Libyan Agreement, on 20Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 40 – Telegram from the British Embassy in
Khartoum to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject;
Nimeiri on Chad, on 23Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 24 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Tunis
        to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, on 16May, 1984.                                                          
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 35 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Algiers to  Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 19Sep, 1984.                   
([1])FCO 39/3695 – No. 39 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Algiers to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 18Sep, 1984.                                      
([1]))FCO 39/3695 – No. 51 – Letter from the British Embassy in Algiers to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 9Oct, 1984.                                         
([1]) Joffe, E.G.H: Op. Cit, P. 95.                                                                                                
([1]) )FCO 39/3695 – No. 20 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Lagos to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; M. Cheyssons Visit to Nigeria and Chad, on 25Feb, 1984.                                                                                                                     
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 37 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Lagos to Foreign and Commonwealth in London, Subject; Franco – Libyan Agreement on Chad, on 19Sep, 1984.   
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 42 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Lagos to Foreign and Commonwealth in London, Subject; Chad, on 23Sep, 1984.                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 13 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Addis Ababa to Foreign and Commonwealth in London, Subject; Chad, on 2Feb, 1984.                                            
([1])  CIA-RDP84B00049R000200360010-5 – An Intelligence Memorandum, Subject; West       European Policy Toward Libya, on 18Dec, 1981.                                                                     
([1]) Ibid.                                                                                                                                  
([1]) CIA-RDP84B00049R000200360012-3 – Memorandum for director of Central Intelligence Deputy director of Central Intelligence, Subject; NSC Meeting of 21 January -  Libya, on 20Jan, 1982.                                                                                                                       
([1]) CIA- RDP88B00443R001103940150-1 – Central Intelligence Agency,                                  Intelligence Memorandum, Subject; Libya, 21Jan, 1982.                                                          
([1]) FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26, Loc. Cit.                                                                                           
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, P. 235.                                                                         
([1]) FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26, Loc. Cit.                                                                                           
([1]))CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830044-3 – Memorandum of Conversation Subject; Meeting William P. Clark, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs with President Mitterrand of France, on 27Oct, 1982.
([1]) CIA-RDP48B00049R001403520014-7 - Central Intelligence Agency,                                 
      Intelligence Memorandum, Subject; Libya – Chad Military Situation,   on 9Dec, 1982.          
([1]) FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26, Loc. Cit.                                                                                           
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, P. 235.                                                                       
([1]) Ibid, PP.250 – 253.                                                                                                                  
([1]) CIA-RDP88-01070R000200820004-4 – ABC World News Tonight, Subject; Chad/ Libya/ U.S, on 5Aug, 1983.                                                                                                           
([1]CIA-RDP88-01070R000200820010-7 – ABC World News Tonight, Subject;  Chad/ Libya/ U.S/ France, on 10Aug, 1983.                                                                                                     
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, PP. 245 – 257.                                                         
([1]) FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 1 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad Conference, on 10Jan, 1984.               
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 2 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Addis Ababa to  Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 11Jan, 1984.                               
)[1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 1, Loc. Cit.                                                                                             
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 3 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad Conference, on 12Jan, 1984.                    
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No.4 - Telegram from the British Embassy in Addis Ababa to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 13Jan, 1984.                                
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No.5 - Telegram from the British Embassy in Addis Ababa to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 16Jan, 1984.                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 6 – Letter from the British Embassy in Khartoum to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Call on Chadian Charge d,affaires in Khartoum, on 15Jan, 1984.                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 18 – Letter from the British Embassy in Addis Ababa to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad: The Addis Ababa Non – Meeting, on 26Jan, 1984.                                                                                                                      
([1])  FCO 39/3695 – No. 7 – Telegram from the British embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad: shooting down of French Jaguar, on 26Jan, 1984.                                                                                                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 8 – a press release from the French Embassy in London Subject; Chad: Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry for External Relations, on 26Jan, 1984.   
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 9 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 27Jan, 1984.                                       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 11 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 30Jan, 1984.                                        
([1]) CIA-RDP05-01559R000400390036-4 -Report to Central Intelligence Agency, Subject; North Africa, Libya, al-Qadhdhafi interviewed on Chad, France, 30Jan,84, on 31Jan, 1984.   
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 10 – Telegram from Foreign and Commonwealth Office in  London to the British Embassy in Paris, Subject; Chad: Visit of French Foreign Minister, on 30Jan, 1984.                                                                                                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 11 – Loc. Cit.                                                                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 12 – Telegram from the British Mission in Tripoli to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 2Feb, 1984.                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 14 – Letter Dated 31 January 1984 from the Permanent Representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the United Nations Addressed to the President of the Security Council.                                                                                       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 15 - a press release from the French Embassy in London Subject; Chad: Meeting of M. Claude Cheysson, Minister for External Relations, with the Press in N'djamena, 2 February 1984, on 3Feb, 1984.                                                                     
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 16 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Addis Ababa to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 8Feb, 1984.                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 17 – a Press Release from the French Embassy in London, Subject; Chad – Visit to France of a Leading Member of the GUNT, on 4Feb, 1984.                         
([1])  FCO 39/3695 – No. 19 – Letter from the British Mission in Tripoli to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, Cheysson's Visit to Libya 4 – 5 February 1984, on 7Feb, 1984.                                                                                                           
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, P. 257.
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 21 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 2May, 1984.                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 22 - a press release from the French Embassy in London, Subject; Chad: Excerpt from a Radio Interview with M. Roland Dumas, Minister for European Affairs, in the " Club de la Press " Program, 13 May 1984, on 15May, 1984.                                    
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 25 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 29May, 1984.                                    
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, P. 258.                                                                      
([1])  FCO 39/ 3695 – No. 26, Loc. Cit.
([1]) Griffin, Christopher William: Op. Cit, P. 258.                                                                      
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 28 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad: Franco-Libyan Agreement, on 17Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 29 – Letter from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; the Franco-Libyan Agreement on Chad, on 19Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                      
([1]) CIA-RDP88B00443R001604270015-9 – Memorandum for Director of Central Intelligence, Subject; Qadhafi's  recent Political moves: is he weaker than we had believed?, on 19Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 31 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and  Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; France/ Libya/ Chad, on 26Sep, 1984.                
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 49 - a press release from the French Embassy in London, Subject; Excerpts from an Interview with M. Roland Dumas, Minister for European Affairs and Government spokesman, Le Monde, on 23Sep, 1984.                                                           
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 55 – Letter from the British Embassy in Stockholm to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Visit to Sweden by Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, 18 – 19 October, 1984, on 25Oct, 1984.                                              
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 41 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Dakar to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 24Sep, 1984.                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 43 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 27Sep, 1984.                                       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 45 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; France/ Chad: Visit of President Habre, on 5Oct, 1984.                                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 33 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Washington to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad: Franco-Libyan Agreement, on 18Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 36 – Cabinet: Memorandum on Libya/ Chad Libya/ Morocco, on 20Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                      
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 38 – Letter from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; the Franco/ Libyan Agreement on Chad, on 21Sep, 1984.                                                                                                                       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 59 – Memorandum from Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Cabinet Office, Subject; Anglo – French Summit: 29 – 30 November, on 3Nov, 1984.            
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 46 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 8Oct, 1984.                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 48- Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Libya, on 9Oct, 1984.                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 50 - a press release from the French Embassy in London, Replies of M. Claude Cheysson, Minister for External Relations, to two Parliamentary questions (National Assembly, 10 October, 1984), on 11Oct, 1984.                                                    
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 53 – Letter from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; French/ Libyan Withdrawal, on 17Oct, 1984.       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 54 – Letter from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 23Oct, 1984.                                      
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 56 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Tunis to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad: Evacuation of Libyan Forces, on 30Oct, 1984.                                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 57 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Lagos to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; French – Libyan Troop withdrawals from Chad, on 1Nov, 1984.                                                                                                                   
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 58 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Kinshasa to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 1Nov, 1984.                                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 62 - a press release from the French Embassy in London, Subject; Communique Issued by the Ministry for External Relations, Communique Issued by the Ministry of Defence, 10 November 1984, on 13Nov, 1984.                                                  
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 60 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Mitterrand is Meeting Qadhafi today in Crete, on 15Nov, 1984.                                                                                                                      
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 61 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Athens to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Meeting of Greek, French and Libyan Leaders: 15 November, on 15Nov, 1984.                                                                                                
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 64 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Athens to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Meeting of Greek, French and Libyan Leaders, on 16Nov, 1984.                                                                                                                     
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 68 – Meeting of M. Francois Mitterrand, President of the Republic, with the Libyan head of state and the Greek Prime Minister, Statement of the Government Spokesman, 15 November 1984, on 16Nov, 1984.                                                               
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 73 – Following the talks of M. Francois Mitterrand, President of the Republic, with Mr. Andreas Papandreou and Colonel Muammar Al-Qaddafi, Statements of M. Francois Mitterrand ( Elysee Palace, 16 November 1984), on 20Nov, 1984.                        
)[1] (FCO 39/3695 – No. 63 – Telegram from the British Embassy in ashington to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 15Nov, 1984.                               
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 73 – Loc. Cit.                                                                                         
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 73 – A Television Interview with M. Roland Dumas, Government Spokesman, 19 November 1984, on 22Nov, 1984.                                                               
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 65 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Mitterrand's Meeting with Qadhafi (and Papandreou), on 16Nov, 1984.                                                                                           
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 66 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; France/ Libya, on 19Nov, 1984.                         
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 69 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; France/ Libya, on 21Nov, 1984.                          
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 70 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Washington to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Cheysson's Visit to Washington, 19 – 20 November, on 21Nov, 1984.                                                                                               
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 71 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Athens to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 23Nov, 1984.                                      
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 67 - Memorandum from Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Cabinet Office, Subject; President Mitterrand's with Colonel Quadafi, on 16Nov, 1984.       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 72 – Memorandum from West African Department in Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Subject; the Situation in Chad, on 23Nov, 1984.                              
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 74 - Memorandum from West African Department in Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Subject; the Situation in Chad, on 29Nov, 1984.                              
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 77 - Memorandum from Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Cabinet Office, Subject; Mr. Luce's Visit to Paris, 4 December, on 30Nov, 1984.                 
([1])  FCO 39/3695 – No. 75 - a press release from the French Embassy in London, Subject; Reply of M. Laurant Fapius, Prime Minister, to a Parliamentary Question, (from M. Maurice Couve de Murville) in the National Assembly on 21 November 1984, on 23Nov, 1984.       
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 78 – Letter from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad, on 4Dec, 1984.                                         
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 81 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Dakar: Visits of Triki and Cheysson, on 17Dec, 1984.                                                                                                                                 
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 79 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Paris to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Franco/ African Summit 10/12 December and France's Chad Policy, on 13Dec, 1984.                                                                                
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 80 – Telegram from the British Embassy in Kinshasa to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Congo and Chad, on 17Dec, 1984.                        
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 82 – Telegram from the Italian Embassy in Tripoli to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, on 18Dec, 1984.                                                             
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 83 - a press release from the French Embassy in London, Subject; Chad: Communique Issued by the Ministry for External Relations, 20 December 1984, on 27Dec, 1984.                                                                                                                     
([1]) FCO 39/3695 – No. 86 – Letter from the British Embassy in Paris 
           to Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, Subject; Chad/ 
           France, on 21Dec, 1984.