الجِمَال, أرسينوي, الرومان, الضَّرائب, الخدمة الإلزاميَّة, النقابة.
المصادر والمراجع
أولًا- المصادر الأدبيَّة:
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ثانيًا- المصادر البرديَّة:
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- Hamb = Greichische Papyrusurkunden der Hamburger Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn, Bonn, 1984.
- Harr = The Rendel Harris Papyri of Woodbrooke College, Birmingham.ed. J.E. Powell. Cambridge, 1930.
- Leit = Leitourgia Papyri, ed. N. Lewis, Philadelphia, 1963.
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- Mich = Michigan Papyri, ed. C.C. Edger, A.E. Boak and others, Toronto,1931-1975.
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- Prag = Papyri Graecae Wessely Pragenses, ed. R. Pintaudi, and L. Vidman, Firenze, 1988.
- Ryl = Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri hn the John Rylands Library, Documents of the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, ed. J. Johnson, V. Martin and A.S. Hunt, Manchester 1915.
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- SPP = Studien Zur Plalacographie und Papyruskund, ed. C. Wessely. A, Leipzig, 1904-1922.
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